Tools and Targeting in our Intelligent Self Defense Training

Tools and Targeting

Your body is equipped with several tools:

• Head

• Elbows

• Knees

• Fists

• Hands

• Fingers

• Feet

• Butt

• Hips etc..

Anything goes! strikes can be used in various ways, practice using different tools to

access the different Primary Targets:

• Groin

• Eyes

• Throat

• Solar Plexus

• Knees

• Instep

  Everyone, regardless of size, has these weak points. Follow the steps for increasing the effect of your strikes. Shouting with each strike not only startles an attacker, it alerts any people around you and also helps channel you fear into aggression. Practice the basic stance shown and using various strikes from this stance.

  For practice, look for possible targets on people as you are talking to them or even if you’re just sat watching someone. Consider the various strikes that you could use to each of the targets that you have in mind.

  The bottom line for striking is use whatever you’ve got, it does matter if the type or style of strike is out of some text book or not, if it works for you then use it.


  Striking is not all about punching to the head. In fact, why risk hurting your hand or catching an infection from a puncture wound to your hand from their teeth?

The following will remind you a few of the many simple strikes that you could use.

  • Fingers
  • Palm
  • Knee And Foot
  • Elbow



  Practice various strikes to each target and find which ones you are most comfortable with. Use very light contact (no more than 5% – 10%). This is still enough for you to feel some of the effect without causing any lasting damage. During practice, add padding to the acting attacker so that you can up the amount of force that you use. If possible practice your strikes on a punch bag, the more you practice the more natural the movements will feel




   The Eyes, Nose, Throat, Solar Plexus, Groin, Instep and Shins serve as a great starting point to Targeting, they are all very simple, effective Targets that are easily accessible with various types of Strike. Although the groin region may be very effective, do not concentrate solely on the groin as a target. Men have an instinct to react extremely fast to strikes aimed at the groin so save this area as a target on attackers that are very close.



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